Sentimental Fathers Day 2014

A Sentimental Father’s Day

I admit it… I’m insane. I’m crazy. What Mom puts their CRAWLING-EVERYTHING-IN-THE-MOUTH 6 month old on some fresh finger paint? Why this Mama does. And yes, the binkie was strategically placed. I had to do this while the Daddy-o was at work. It got pretty interesting when we were done and I had to give the kid a bath…. then cleaned up the blue marks I had everywhere. Mitchell never saw any of the blue but as I was resting after my long day, I looked down and saw some left over blue on my foot. Ooopsie! 🙂

Hope you enjoy these pictures… I had a blast with my little one!


Fathers Day 2014


Fathers Day 2014

Fathers Day 2014

Imperfectly Perfect. 


The Sentimental Mama

Bre. Geiger