A Sentimental Mama’s Birthday Cake
I am a part of a Shoot & Share Facebook group {that I love} and this morning I saw a post that I loved! I am a complete and utter sucker for sentimental things… like you don’t know this already right? This cake struck my interest because I’ve seen a couple of them before on Pinterest, but I haven’t seen anyone in my circle get one before. What made this post SPECIAL for me, was the sentimental touch that was incorporated into this cake… The fact that the Birthday Girl has her children in the preview AND do you see the teddy bear? That is for their daughter who passed away almost 3 years ago. Absolutely tore at my heart strings… It seriously would have made me cry if I received this cake!
Images provided by Jeni Johnson Photography {Thanks girl & happy birthday to YOU!}
Cake was beautifully made by Shawn Lowery {a hard-working, but “hobby” cake maker, military wife, and mother of 2} with The Peanut Butter Sucker in the Metro DC area.