A Modern Crib for a Modern Mama | #GentSleeps
Did you see my previous post Where did Gentry’s crib go? Well as mentioned in that post, I have partnered up with Delta Children to give you my take on the Delta Children’s crib, specifically regarding their Ava Collection 3-in-1 Crib!
We were graciously given a crib for Gentry’s nursery as a baby shower gift before he was born. I honestly didn’t even go crib shopping. I knew I had bigger fish to fry especially when I am on bed rest and any time outside of the house meant I was in a wheelchair or an electronic shopping cart buzzing around. So I never really went “nursery furniture shopping.” I thought a crib is just a crib – I’ll just find one on Amazon – preferably the cheapest one, because after all how long are they really going to use it, right? – and throw it on my wish list. My in-laws purchased the crib for us and it showed up on our doorstep a few weeks after. We were so grateful that we did not have to fork out any money for Gentry’s nursery furniture and felt very blessed that our family could help us out in this capacity.
The crib worked great, fit the room decor, nothing to fancy…

I was excited to receive this new crib though. I had contemplated turning his room into a more toddler friendly room and in turn, changing the decor to be a modern monochrome type feel. I knew this new crib would fit right in and make that initial step to motivate me to get my ideas going and change his room around.
So the crib came in and I do have to say that the quality in which it arrived was better than great. It was sturdy and solid; More so than I anticipated. Mitchell was able to put the crib together with ease and didn’t complain one bit. But what I was most excited about was the modern design. Clean lines and slats all around the crib unlike the previous one. Hellooooo modern mama’s! I loved how it was a solid white finish and loved the way it looked against our walls. It definitely sparked my motivation to change the decor and make his room more “toddler friendly.” The only problem I have found… is that I wish I had known about this crib two years ago when I was shopping online for the one.
I know some of you have been biting at the bit wanting to know what this toddler room will be themed as, so I thought I’d let you in on a little secret in this post… The room will be changing to a monochrome theme – Black and white all around with some splashes of bright colors. Who’s excited?!
Some key things that I love about this crib:
- the minimalist modern design
- reasonably priced – at $249 at link below
- can purchase at Target
- converts to a day bed
- converts to a toddler bed (with the purchase of one of those handy, don’t-fall-out-of-the-darn-bed rails)
- its sturdy and well made
- and its Gentry approved 🙂
So this crib is part of Delta Children and is from their new line, the Ava Collection… This crib comes in two finishes – white and white with black espresso.
If you’d like to get your fingers on this highly recommended crib, please visit the link below!
Ava Crib in White with Black Espresso Finish
Now there is something else that I want to share with you all… Ever since Gentry was born, I have loved to take pictures of him sleeping. He has always been such a character while catching his Z’s… I thought with the help of this new crib, a soon to be new toddler room, and a motivated Mama, I would start a hashtag theme that you can check in on occasionally. I have noticed that my posts of Gentry sleeping have been quite popular so I hope some of you are looking forward to these images…
With the hashtag #GentSleeps, you will find all of his hilarious and sweet images of little Mr. Gentry Hudson sleeping. If you go there now, you will see all of his sleeping images up until today. I went all the way back to when he was a newborn and tagged all of those images to keep an accurate record. I might be biased but its pretty cute going back and seeing how his sleeping has changed throughout his little life.
So with that, I hope you follow our adventures with our new crib, soon-to-be new toddler room, and a whole bunch of sweet images to capture them all.
The Sentimental Mama did not receive any compensation for this post, although the contributor received item(s) to sample for this review. Opinions expressed about Delta Children and/or their products is that of the contributor.