Helpful Marketing Tip #1 | Photographers Reference
Stuck in a rut? Think your spinning wheels? Trying to hunt for clients but are unsuccessful? Wondering why other photographers are having better luck than you? Answers to these questions may vary but one thing is for sure, “if opportunity doesn’t knock, you must build a door!” {A big thank you to On The Spot Studio for the quote above!}
Helpful Marketing Tip #1
Think outside of the box
This may sound peachy but if you really focus on what it truly means to “think outside of the box” you may get to a fork in the road. Let me rub the genie lamp of your creative juices.
What’s the best competition? Having none, right? What is your prospective clientele? Is it a pets? Where do pets frequent? A kennel maybe? How many other pets frequent this kennel? Is it attracting the same clientele that you would like to have as a client as well? These are all things that consistently roll through my head while thinking of growing a photography business in a marketing sense. I urge you to think outside of the box, put yourself in your prospective clients shoes and GET CREATIVE. Another example may be this:
So your a wedding photographer. There’s plenty of those in town and you want to stand out and make a name for yourself. Fan-tas-tic. So your clientele is newly-engaged or soon-to-be-engaged love birds. Where do women frequent that you haven’t touched yet? What about that ritzy cute little spa you see down the street that you have been itching to get a pedicure at? What if, they are having a “grand opening” to unveil their latest spa upgrade? Wouldn’t you like to go in on that and get promoted? Think of how many girls will be attending this event. And guess what, their Mom may be there instead! And we all know how Chatty-Cathy’s love to talk and spread good news around!
The photography industry is bursting at the seams with people doing the same “like your favorite picture to win a prize”, mass mailings, attending bridal shows, begging for “likes” on their Facebook pages… yada yada shall I continue? Its about time you get serious on your real marketing campaign. Open your eyes to your surroundings that hasn’t been touched yet. Its all about expanding your sight -think outside of the box- and reaching those who may not know about you yet! Now, go get ’em!