New Clients for 2013 | Photographers Reference

A new year usually marks a new beginning. Resolutions are written on blank slates {that were sprayed with chalkboard paint}. Your Facebook is inundated with “my friends, you better hold me to this resolution”. And amazing business ideas usually come about during times like these, just as it does for me. Today, I want to open your minds to the idea that your photography business is just that a business {wild thought, huh?}. Some photographers forget this aspect in the midst of all the rainbows and butterflies they feel while shooting, leaving some important possible prospects {$$} in the dust. This brings me to:


Successful business tools available to business owners.

Sounds pretty self explanatory but more times then not after speaking to a photographer, they either don’t know about these tools or they don’t think it applies to them or don’t want to spend their marketing budget on this. Some of the ideas below may fall into one of these thought processes for you. You may think I’m crazy for even thinking of this stuff or think that it maybe a waste of time. But that’s just it…. All other photographers probably think the same, or don’t have the motivation to go this route, in turn, your competition will be scarce. Some big important tools you should look into:


Your Local Chamber – becoming a member or just joining their mailing list to find out when they have events for non-members. Come to these events with business cards in hand and maybe even your iPad with your portfolio ready to be shown.  I would recommend not attending all the Chamber has to offer either. {That is unless you are a full blown member, then have at it!} You have to pick and choose what you feel comfortable attending and what would apply to your business. Is it a Real Estate function? Sign me up! Learning about some new businesses launching? PERFECT! There maybe a cost to attend these events which is another reason to be picky when choosing – so keep this in mind. Having a hard time grasping this idea? Contact me here for more information.


Subscripting to Your Local Business Journal – While working for one of the largest banks in America, I worked in Commercial Real Estate. The Executives I assisted, subscribed to multiple business journals. One thing is for sure, I got more ideas with marketing and thinking outside of the box in those publications than anywhere online. Most –if not all- do not have free information regarding what they put in their publications online, you can only gather this information from having the publication in your hand – which came weekly in my case.


Chamber & Business Journal Contacts – If you do not sign up for a Chamber event, or if you do not subscripe to the Journal, there are still ways to network with those business that do. Easily done on Twitter {select the chamber you want to follow then select who they “follow” usually will help out a great deal} as well as going on their website and seeing their advertisements. The business journal {here in Arizona} even has a “Leads” section in the back of their publication. {More of a reason to sign up!}


Being Active in Your City – I can’t stress being active in your community enough! How are people ever going to know about you if your not out and about? Stop editing! Leave the editing to after hours. Focus on gathering ideas, networking, scouting, and marketing during the times when people are most active in the community. Some photographers I have had the chance to mentor even delegate specific time slots of their week to do this. I also recommend planning this out. Don’t just pop into the car with some cards and start driving around. This will make for an unsuccessful venture. Organize your day. Find out where events in your city will be. Find out what events capture your prospective clientele. If you are a certified-bona fide pet photographer, you should not be networking at say… a car auction. That is of course if you are looking for some new wheels. 🙂


And lastly, Social Media Business Tools – Twitter is my absolute FAV to utilize this outlet. I subscribe on twitter to all local business companies even if it does not apply to photography. Most times than not, if they do not provide me with successful photography business ideas, they will still pump me up for motivation and also direct (by Retweeting) other businesses which might need photography services or have clientele that do (i.e. a high end spa having a super awesome sale or a new fancy bridal boutique grand opening launch).


And just like my previous post… These all would fall into “thinking outside of the box”. You can do it… If you need a little direction, please don’t hesitate to contact me!


Bre. Geiger