An Open Letter to my Son | #GentryHudson is THREE!
Isn’t it so bittersweet how we anxiously await our little ones to grow, hoping they shape and mold into great individuals and yet at the same time I yearn for the seconds to slow and the sun to not set proof that another day ticked on by… hoping, wishing they will stay this shape and this small and this little forever…
I can barely remember my son’s newborn phase (for more reasons than one). If it wasn’t for my blog, my photos, my videos, I would have not much to show to help me curate those visuals in my mind. Its hard to also keep that balance of being a “mamaratzi” and wanting to capture.every.little.thing and living in the moment. Lately, I have been choosing to live in the moment. Today there were many moments as we celebrated Gentry’s third birthday. My phone was away for the day and I tried to inhale all of his new three-ness. Ladies and gents, I officially have a three year old. Here is an open letter to my Son to one day reminice, remember those seconds and that sun setting.
My GiGi,
As you curled into bed tonight and demanded your usual bed time routine (saying good night to your beloved Ratatta, prayers, kiss+nose+hug and lots of “butt pats”) I asked if you wanted to snuggle and you happily obliged. You snuggle in close and softly went to sleep.
It was a long day for you, turning three and all. I tried to keep you busy, just like you like to be. I slept on the couch for the last night due to my recoverying from surgery. In a deep slumber, I hear a little voice say “BALLOOOOONNN” as your Dada carried you into the living room. “Presents!” you exclaimed. As a creature of habit, your breakfast was the usual – a cereal bar or “z-ba” as you pronounce it. This is your first year that you really understand ripping open your presents and what a “surprise” even was. It delighted your Dada and I. Your presents didn’t disappoint as they all were exactly right up your alley – Everything to keep your little hands busy. Lincoln Logs, Hot Wheels Race Track, a Marble Run Coaster, and a LeapFrog Learning to Read Pen (because you are so close to starting to read!)
As the day progressed, you were engulfed in your new toys. We watched as your little gears were turning figuring out how everything worked. We stumbled into bed for your daily nap and awoke to more games and a quick trip to the Phoenix Children’s Museum. Made a quick stop at your (my) favorite “i-ceam” place and headed home.
We hurriedly made it inside the house just for you to exclaim “make cupcakes Mama!”
We we stood at the counter and you helped me make some of your favorite pumpkin cupcakes. Per usual, we bribed you to eat your chicken in order to get some bites from said cupcake. Its a difficult thing to get you to eat anything other than yogurt and string cheese these days.
I laid there next to you awhile after you softly fell to sleep tonight. Wondering what your dreaming about, if your day lived up to your little 3 year old expectations, if you will miss me tomorrow starting a new school. Remembering this year and how much you have grown. I can finally start to have mini conversations with you now and it makes my head spin sometimes at some of the things you already comprehend. You my Son, are SO smart.
You also developed a new nick name – “The Senator” as your love for social gatherings, introducing yourself to anyone that walks by and your superb negotiating skills. Your Uncle Buck would be so proud.
My Son.
You are a complete and utter Mama’s boy. Kind and sweet are just a few adjectives I use to describe your personality. It is engrained within you to take care of me and I’m not quite sure how that came to be. I feel safe with you and the little age of 2. Watching out for your Mama and making sure I’m okay. You have brought tears to my eyes at some of the things your little mind tells me. You know how to make your Mama turn into absolute and utter MUSH.
Sharing. Taking turns. Looking out for others. Gentle with babies. Not afraid of the dark but surely scared of dogs (and lions). Curious. Motivated. Determined. And BUSY. Your hands must be in it all. You enjoy when you are included in on big people activities. Demanding and rarely takes no for an answer. Tisha, Auntie and Grandma are usually the random places you want to visit, in addition to getting ice cream. Being out and about is your jam. You can work our iPhones so well that it shocks me. Orange or “ormage” is your favorite color. Getting asked if you are 4 years old is a usual. Crystal is your little toddler crush (and its ridiculously adorable).
And last but definitely not least,
you are loved. And I am so so lucky to be your Mama.