The Ultimate Toddler Meltdown Resolution | Snuggwugg Product Review
I am SO excited to get to share this product with all of you. How many Mama’s (or Daddy’s) deal with…. Crying. Rolling. Kicking. Squirming. Meltdown city when changing a diaper? Or how many of you take road trips? Road trips that may start off super smooth, but end dramatically in a truck stop in the middle of the desert due to a meltdown in the back seat. Well, my squirt is no exception. I recently found a product that not only helped me with these battles but it also helps my husband as well.
When I first saw this product, I was intrigued… I wish I had found out about this earlier. An interactive pillow… perfectly shaped for my kido, a little pocket for my cell phone and some added loops for extra toys to be the ultimate distraction for diaper changes. Yes I was pretty interested in this. The product is a half circle pillow, almost like a traveling neck pillow – but firmer with a super soft removable cover. It also has a cut out on the top of the pillow cover for your cell phone. The cut out has a crinkle effect so when babies touch it, it makes a crinkle noise. It also has four loops at the top that you can attach your own toys too (especially for the younger babies) and even put a pacifier around the loop if you’d like. Gentry prefers to stick his fingers in these loops and holds them like handle bars. 🙂 See pictures for reference. It also has a strap that can go around your child to help secure the pillow around them which is great for babies who can’t hang on to the pillow just yet.
So I tried it out. It was amazing. Gentry is a flipper and a fighter on the changing table to where I recently started changing him on the floor and pin him down with my legs. Nothing would keep the kid still… I tried it all. It does help that I found out what his favorite show of all time is too. 🙂 I was worried that he would be able to touch the screen and change the app that was playing. When he first used it, it was able to move the screen a bit with a few thumb points. However, once he learned what it does he stopped pressing the screen. Also, I am not sure if it’s because the cover touches parts of the screen at once, but it is not as touchy as it normally is if you were just holding the phone in your hand – an added plus.
So then… The Geiger’s had a trip planned. Our #GeigerFamilyVayCay2015. (Side note: Pictures and a review of our trip will be posted soon!)
Traveling with a Toddler + Snuggwugg
WHO has traveled with a toddler?! WELL you know I HAVE! As I stated in my previous blog post, I had a heck of a time with Gentry flying and traveling all by my lonesome. Thankfully, this next trip was our family trip so my Husband came with AND I also received my Snuggwugg before we left. A great thing about using the Snuggwugg while traveling is that it is so easy to prop up and use. There are gadgets out there that hold your iPhone or even your iPad, but those don’t double as an arm rest and a pillow for Mama (or daddy) when the little baby passes out on you while you are on the plane! HA! 🙂 I installed some Super Why! and Sesame Street episodes on my cell phone prior to departure and kept those episodes readily available throughout the 4 hour flight. I also loved that he could stand up in the plane in front of me (window seat) and I could prop my arm on the pillow and rest my head for a minute knowing he wasn’t going anywhere. Additionally, it came in handy when I had to change him ON the plane. It did take up some room BUT the little squirt STAYED still during the change in the microscopically small bathroom. And speaking of bathrooms, I also had to change him in the airport bathroom where it came in handy there as well. Believe me… I am a germaphobe so knowing he wasn’t wiggling and touching everything in sight was a stress relief to me! Here are some pictures of us using it in action while we were on the airplane:
AND Thank YOU Southwest for having such SPACIOUS seating compared to your competition… Seriously!
Diaper Changes in awkward hotel rooms? CHECK!
Snuggwugg is Husband Approved
I have to say I get a lot of feedback from my Husband relating to products that Gentry & I test out. This Snuggwugg was no exception with him vocalizing his approval. He was so THRILLED to change Gent’s diaper stress and worry free. FACE IT. New Dads need help sometimes! And as they are learning, I think this is a GREAT tool to ease their mind and get into their groove with diaper changes! I love seeing Mitchell being proactive and using this when he needs to… Which is usually when there is a poop on deck. 🙂
Here’s what HE thinks!
“I have to say, I was very skeptical of this product when I saw it right out of the box. Looks like a rainbow shaped pillow with a pocket in it. After my wife showed me how to use it, I had a much different opinion. Keeping our son in one place while changing his diaper was now a breeze! His straight jacket is no longer required! (kidding of course) The biggest benefit I saw for this was when we were recently on vacation. Whether we were waiting in the airport, on a plane or in a shuttle, this product allowed us to keep him occupied with a video without destroying our cell phones. Also, if you forgot your neck pillow, this will work for that too:)”
So to break it down for you, here are the ways this little Snuggwugg is amazing:
- A must-have for traveling with a child.
- Easy to use.
- Fits most smartphones.
- Invented by a Mama and winner of the Huggies Mom Inspired Award.
- Doubles as an arm rest or pillow while traveling for the parents 😉
- Makes a great unique baby shower gift.
- You can install educational apps on your phone to use in the Snuggwugg.
- Comes with a strap to help it stay secure on little ones.
- Calms a squirmy kido down so that you can change their diaper.
- Helps out new dads who are still learning to change diapers.
- Makes your long grocery shopping experience a breeze.
- Traveling on an airplane or long road trips in a car are tantrum free!
- If Gentry throws the pillow with my cell phone in it, I know the phone will be unharmed. It is cushioned all around!
- Easy to clean. The cover pops right off and comes out of the wash looking just like new!
- Eases Mama’s mind knowing who ever is changing the diaper, it’s getting done the right way!
How about babies and not toddlers?
I think this would be ahhhmazing to get the baby in a routine of using this Snuggwugg. It will be their queue that it is diaper changing time. I would probably refrain from using the cell phone feature until you are for sure wanting to get your baby acclimated with technology. And in the meantime, put on some of their favorite toys in the loops.
Another great use for babies is TUMMY TIME! This is such a great product as a variation of a “boppy” like I had when Gent had tummy time. This way the baby is able to test out their hand eye coordination with the crinkle effect on the pillow as well as playing with their favorite toy.
How do I get my own Snuggwugg?
They have a variety of different styles on their website and free shipping within the US!
In addition, my readers can receive 10% off using the code: Sentimental10off
Click here to order your own Snuggwugg!
Snuggwugg is Social!
Click the following links to take you to their social media platform:
Snuggwugg was even on The Steve Harvey show recently! Check out their YouTube video below!
I received this product to test and provide my honest review.
The statements made above are that of my own and are purely my opinions.
Never leave baby unattended. Snuggwugg is intended for short periods of use only and is not meant to take the place of a caregiver. Do not use Snuggwugg in a crib, toddler bed, or allow baby to sleep with the Snuggwugg EVER. Safety is very important to Snuggwugg so please pay attention to the warnings and use our product as instructed.
{Onesie is from Dott Child}