Souping: The New Juicing | Featuring: Soupology
Have you heard of it? SOUPING – The latest in cleanses and healthy eating. It is dubbed to be “the new juicing!” I recently watched a segment on a morning show on our local FOX 10 News station. I hurriedly ran to my phone and started researching this new trend. My first thought was… I am not a juicer – I just can’t do it. So will “Souping be for me?!”
Before I begin, I need to say that I am NO professional. Any and all diet changes need to be discussed with your own doctor prior to beginning a new regiment. In addition, Soupology provided me with product in order to complete this review. All opinions and statements are my own.
Here is the segment from the morning show I saw:
FOX 10 News | fox10phoenix.com
So I didn’t know much else than what was on this segment before I started researching this souping deal.
Upon my research, I recognized that this souping was a great form of detoxification with the HIGH veggie content. It is a great KICKSTARTER to leading a healthier lifestyle. Its more flavorful, easier to consume in addition, you can work up a real good system to incorporate this into your daily life. Soup at least once a day?! That’s no biggie! And I do have admit, when I nail a soup recipe, it kinda makes me feel like a kitchen boss. Just sayin’.
In addition to those things, I found the two most important reasons that peaked my interest….
High in Fiber
Juicing often times presses out the most important parts of fruits and veggies. One of them being fiber. Souping RETAINS fiber which in turn helps you cleanse…. See what I did there? 🙂
Low in Sugar
A lot of juicing requires fruits in order to slam down some of those veggies which increases the sugar content. Unfortunately, I have a verrrry difficult time eating some veggies so this is one of my issues I had when attempting juicing. With soup, I find that I am able to eat veggies a whole lot easier with limited amounts of sugar content.
And then I came into my first issue with souping.
There aren’t many souping cleanse type companies out there yet! This is such a new trend that I seriously could only find TWO companies on social media and one of them didn’t deliver. Ohhhh but one of them did.
And now enter… Soupology

So I had the chance to collaborate with Soupology and I was beyond ecstatic to try this out. First of all, they are located in Chicago. So if you are local, some of this will not apply to you since you won’t have to worry about shipping! But for those of you that aren’t….
I received 3 lunch bags/coolers of soups, in a box, with ice packs, shipped overnight via UPS. This was amazing. So fast and so easy. I was pretty shocked that something that was made the day before in Chicago, was sitting on my countertops.
I planned out the soups to begin my cleanse and here are the key points during my cleanse that I think you would like to know about:
- The soups were FLAVORFUL, yummy and high quality
- There was an assortment of different flavors of soups, some of them were hot and some were served cold
- You eat 6 soups a day so I personally didn’t feel hungry
- The “HARAJUKU STATION : Sesame Ginger Broth” was my ultimate favorite
- I felt energized and I felt a spike in my mood
- Easy to transport. I liked to sip it out of a bowl, but it is easily transportable in a cup meant for hot/cold beverages
- Soups are FREEZE-ABLE!
Need more info on Souping? Here is my favorite article I found in my research. It is 8 Reasons Why Souping is the New Juicing.
“So what now Brianne?” you might be asking… So check out Soupology’s website. I completed the 3 Day Cleanse however, there is also a One Day Cleanse that you can purchase! And for all my beautiful readers, you will receive 20% off your order for using the code:
And guess what!? As you know, I primarily work only with companies that are social media friendly! And Soupology is no exception! Please check out their social media links below. They are always posting fun facts, great recipes and encouragement in the healthier living lifestyle!
If you want to keep up with my and your own souping adventures I have TWO ways you can stay connected:
- I have created a Facebook Group awhile ago for Clean Eats &Paleo Grub… And now I have addedSouping! Find the Facebook group here:
- I pin like its going out of style. If you follow me, then you know this already. Hehe… So I have created aSouping Board for your Pinning Pleasure… Don’t forget to hit “follow!”
Happy Souping y’all!