The Newest #NeatCheeksKid!
I’ve had something up my sleeve…
Gentry tested Neat Cheeks face wipes some time ago… Did you see my video of him loving getting his face wiped and not crying AT ALL? Well these things are crazy… In a good way!
Gentry hates to get his little face wiped… Don’t most kids? Well these little suckers are the key to every frown face in town. They are flavored with Stevia… They aren’t sticky. And they don’t have any scent. I received these as a trial and fell in love with them. I gave some out to some friends during Gentry’s first birthday party and they all loved them too. It is a weird concept (I mean a wipe they actually like?) but if you are able to overcome that and just give these a try, you will see how your little allows you to wipe their face verses screeching in irritation… in the middle of Mimi’s Cafe. They are also super compact and will slip right into your diaper bag. AND for those of you (like myself) who use these EVERYDAY, they will be releasing (very soon!) a larger size to keep at home.
I really hope you try these handy-dandy little wipes out! Let me know how your kid likes them! Tag me & #wipeonasmile when posting about it on Instagram! The team at the Neat Cheeks love Instagram and love to interact with their customers!
Gentry was also asked to be an official #NeatCheeksKid! I couldn’t be more proud… Which is two fold… Not only did they like my smiling little man but they also liked my photography enough to plaster it on their website! #ProudMamaMoment!
…and GUESS WHAT! Luckily for YOU they have allowed me to run a giveaway so one of my readers will get to win a 2 week supply… 6 packages of Neat Cheeks! Lets do this thang….
{NeatCheeks provided me with wipes to test for free. All statements and opinions are my own.}